Changing your body and mind for life

Movement and transformational coaching

Redesign your whole body

Myofascial Release

“Don’t treat isolated parts of the body – everything is connected!”

What is fascia?

Fascia is a connective tissue which extends continuously from the head to toes, surrounding and connecting every organ, tissue and cell of the body.

Every part of your body is connected by fascia!

“Health professionals have ignored the importance of an entire physiological system that profoundly influences all other structures of the body”

What is myofascia?

Myofascia is the fascia related to your muscles. It forms a 3-dimensional web within and around each muscle which in turn connects with the myofascia around every muscle in your body.

“Every muscle in your body is connected by myofascia!”

How are symptoms caused?

The fascia can be damaged by physical or mental stress, injury or illness.

It becomes dehydrated and more solid and shortens forming restrictions. These restrictions can cause symptoms by putting pressure on the sensitive structures that the fascia surrounds.

Restrictions pull your body out of alignment and prevent it from moving freely. Because the fascia is continuous, restrictions in one part of your body will affect the posture and movement throughout your body.

“Where you get your symptoms is unlikely to be the cause of the problem!”

What is myofascial release?

Myofascial release is a safe and effective hands-on technique that applies gentle sustained pressure and movement to release tight areas in the myofascial tissues throughout the body. It aims to remove pressure from pain-sensitive structures and free restrictions so that the body can move effortlessly without pain.

What does myofascial release feel like?

Pressure and movement are applied very slowly and gently and held for at least five minutes. Initially you may just feel a slight pressure. As the fascia slowly stretches you may gradually feel a range of sensations from mild pulling to more intense symptoms and then often a pleasant feeling of relaxation or movement as the fascia releases.

It is common to feel sensations in other areas of the body as well because the fascia is continuous throughout the body.

What does a myofascial release session involve?


We discuss your current problems, your medical history and anything from the past that may be causing them


We look at your posture to see if any parts of your body are being pulled out of alignment


We check the movements of parts of your body which might be causing problems


We feel for any painful, solid and restricted areas in the fascia in different parts of the body


We use myofascial release to treat any areas of the body that could be causing your symptoms


We design a plan with exercises and techniques for you to work on releasing your myofascial restrictions and address anything that may be causing your symptons

Download information to read before your first session

“I would highly recommend Redesign Physio and myofascial release …….it has an amazing effect on your body, Gabrielle performs miracles with her hands!”

How many sessions will I need?

This depends on how many problems you have, how long you have had them and what is causing them. Most people notice improvements after one session but need a few sessions for lasting benefits. You may need more sessions if you have longstanding or multiple problems. It helps to have a couple of sessions fairly close together and then spread out to suit you and allow time for your homework.

The first session is normally 90 minutes and follow up sessions 60 minutes.

More Information

There are different types of myofascial release, I use the approach developed by John Barnes and have trained in America and with Myofascial Release UK

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